



Win over your market. Get quality
market research fast.

Tap into Market Powered Data with SurveyMonkey. Find out how market research surveys help you collect actionable feedback, test ideas, track success, and get ahead in your industry.


Tap into Market Powered Data whenever you need it

Start asking the right people the right questions with surveys

Learn about your market

Identify your target market with greater precision and better understand their behaviors and attitudes.

Get ahead in your industry

Know what consumers think about your competition and discover new growth opportunities.

Pinpoint crucial success factors

Be in tune with your market and industry, so you can better inform your business and marketing strategies.

Confirm your ideas will work before you launch

Evaluate product-market fit

Predict with greater accuracy how new products or ad campaigns will perform with concept testing surveys.

Pick winning campaigns before launch

A/B test to see what resonates with your audience. And enjoy survey logic tools like block randomization.

Find the sweet spot for pricing

Learn what consumers are willing to pay for your offering and evaluate your market’s price sensitivity.

Easily track success—and where and how to improve

Track brand health

Measure brand awareness, customer loyalty, and benchmark your scores against competitors.

Measure campaigns in more ways

Take a holistic approach to ROI by seeing if brand perceptions changed after a new campaign.

Be tuned in to sentiment

Build stronger marketing strategies by knowing the tone, attitudes, and perceptions of your market.

Keep optimizing for even better results

Stay on top of industry trends

Always be in the know about what’s happening with your competition, emerging technologies, and more.

Identify more opportunities

Research new potential markets or dig into existing pain points to try to resolve them.

Adapt more easily to market changes

Spot changes to consumer behaviors and preferences early, so it’s easier to accommodate for them.

Save the World From bad customer experience

Try FieldCloud for 30 days free,no need any payment information.

Start Your Free Trial

Learn more about market research surveys

Consumer behavior

Easily discover a specific group’s attitudes, perceptions, shopping habits, and more. See questions to ask in consumer surveys.

Market trends

Surveys help you discover key market trends, and collect proprietary consumer opinions. Start asking questions today.

Product development

Test early and often when developing products. See what to ask when you’re testing concepts, packaging, price points, and more.

Ad testing

Are you sending the right message to consumers? Start testing ad campaigns to ensure they resonate with your target audience.

Brand tracking

See how your brand health is trending over time. Track brand metrics like awareness, favorability, conversion, and loyalty.

Crisis management

Track how news about your company changes brand perception. Create a survey today to use as a baseline during a PR crisis.






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